Lentrax Translation Services ( legal Translations )

Dubai is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies in the world. This economic transformation of Dubai over recent decades has been accompanied by major changes in relation to its population structure and living conditions. Subsequently, the legal and administrative systems are evolving parallel to the growing population mobility in Dubai and the rest of the UAE. However, it is worth mentioning that legal translation has played a very important role in the contact between different cultures and different legal systems, besides in the increasingly globalized environment such as Dubai, it is playing an even more important role. Legal translation is one of the most specialized and difficult fields of translation, but we will focus our investigation on factors affecting the determination of cost of legal translation, then investigating the average prices of legal translation in UAE in general, lastly a detailed list of estimated costs of legal translation in Dubai will be illustrated for each type of legal documents.

Cost of legal translation

When it comes to the current cost of legal translation Dubai, many people wonder at the relatively higher translation rates of the cost of legal translation. Yet, there’s a reason why this service is a bit more expensive. Legal translation bears the added burden of taking into account legal aspects that are not found in other texts. Legal translators must work not only between two languages and two cultures but between legal systems that are very different due to the strong socio-cultural and historical factors. Even minor errors in the translation of legal documents can result in lawsuits and legal exposure. Legal translation services involve a very complex performativity nature and specialized terminology; this gives you a glimpse into why the cost of legal translation is relatively more expensive than other types of translation.

Lentrax Legal Translation Services Dubai

How much does the legal translation cost in Dubai?

The legal language has developed particular linguistic features like: lexical, syntactical, and pragmatic to fulfill the demands of the law. Such linguistic characteristics of legal language have profound implications for the prices of legal translation in the UAE. However, the cost of legal translation varies according to a number of facts: language, text type, degree of formality, percentage of repeat in text, file format, as well as many other factors.

Cost of legal translation in Dubai based on language on the location:

Language Average cost per word (AED)Into Arabic and vice versa English (Br & Am) 0.50–0.75

Asian languages0.75–0.95

scandinavian languages 0.75–0.95

European Languages 0.65- 0.90

Cost of legal translation in Dubai based on legal document type and degree of formality:

Legal document Average cost per word (AED) Into Arabic and vice versa Language

Contracts 60–65

Court Judgments 60 -65

Memoranda of Association 65 -75

Powers of Attorney 65–75

Insurance Documents 65–85

Shipping & Maritime Documents 65–85

Immigration Documents 70–95

Litigation Documents 70–95

Wills 70 -95

Cost of legal translation in Dubai based on a percentage of repeat in the text (repeated forms):

Repeated formAverage cost per page (AED)
English into Arabic and vice versa

Birth Certificate 40–50

Death Certificate40–50

Marriage Certificate40–50

Divorce Certificate 40–50

Lentrax Translation Services In Dubai


At Lentrax Translation Services we know how to make this process a little bit easier. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with an ideal balance between the highest quality and affordability. Our translating processes are designed to meet all the quality standards while maintaining security procedures to protect the highly confidential and sensitive information of our clients. Our team of legal translators in (Lentrax) is ideally positioned to collaborate with their clients in Dubai and demonstrate that they can provide solutions rather than representing a problem in the communication flow.

